Spring Rec Registration 2025
Season Dates: April 7, 2025-May 17, 2025
(No games will be scheduled April 14th - April 19th)
Registration Fee: $90
$15 OFF Per Player with Promo Code:
UTAHFC25 until January 10, 2025
**NOTE: When registering multiple players,
promo code must be entered in for each player.
Registration Deadline: February 2, 2025
Birth years: 2010-2021
**U12 & Older is Coed
Player Registration Directions:
1. Click the blue Registration button tab at the top
2. In the first box, check 'Player Registration'
3. If a returning player, go to the first or second box and 'Log In'
If a new player, go to the third box and 'Create an Account'
4. Choose the child you are registering OR
add a new player if they are not listed
5. Click 'Continue' and follow instructions
6. If in preschool, when prompted to enter your school,
please enter in the elementary school ZONED for. Thanks!